forklift certification onlineLas Vegas is well known for its iconic downtown city skyline. Still, few people consider how much construction work it takes to keep the city looking so modern. If you’re about to embark on a job in Vegas that will require using a forklift, then you’ll first need to consider how to get forklift certified in Las Vegas.

With the proper certification, you avoid being fined by OSHA and a potential accident.

At, we offer certification courses to help you get your whole team certified up to OSHA’s standards. Our employee training kit comes at a one-time cost of $299, and you can use it to certify as many employees as you need.

Suppose you want your team to get their Las Vegas forklift certification online and on-site. In that case, you can purchase our trainer certification course for $149. This course will ensure that you have an employee on your team who can certify other employees’ training, helping to create a self-sufficient team. If you need both courses, consider our bundle and save ( kit, which gives you both courses for $399.

How Online Forklift Certification in Las Vegas Works

You lose a ton of productivity time when you go off site for certification purposes. Employees must take off work, go to another location, and spend a few days getting educated and certified. You can do everything on-site and online with our employee training kit. Here’s how:

  1. Employers Should Sign Up Employees: Employers need to take the first step in signing up employees for certification because the employer will ultimately be the one to sign off on the certification officially.
  2. Purchase Your Class: Employers must select the course that fits their needs. You can purchase this course directly on our online website. The physical course material will be sent to you, but you can access the online material right away.
  3. Employees Use Our Material to Get Informed: Next, your employees will want to go through the online educational material. Employees can take as much time as needed to browse the material.
  4. Employees Take an Online Test: Employees must pass a few online written exams. The good news is that these exams are open-book, and your employees can take them as often as necessary.
  5. Employees Submit to an On-Site Evaluation: Once all the course material is completed, the employee must submit to an on-site evaluation. A certified trainer must complete this evaluation. Suppose you don’t have a certified trainer on your team yet. In that case, you can use ourtrain-the-trainer course to certify an employee to conduct these evaluations.
  6. Employees Get Certified: After the on-site evaluation, employers can officially certify the training and provide employees with their operator cards. You can print this proof directly from our site.

After these steps, employees will be considered fully OSHA-certified and trained.

Why Choose for Las Vegas Forklift Certification

One of the most common causes of forklift accidents is a lack of proper safety training. By certifying employees, you could be preventing future accidents and injuries. What’s more, you also comply with OSHA’s rules and regulations. Remaining compliant can help you avoid fines and other consequences. Here are a few reasons why you should use our kit to experience these advantages:

  • Our Course is Easy: Both employees and employers benefit from our kit
  • Cost-Effective: Pay once, certify an unlimited number of employees
  • Renew for Free: Certification expires, but you’ll be able to renew your team’s certifications for free using our courses
  • Proof of Certification: Get proof of training and certification from our course materials
  • Access Our Material Anytime and Anywhere: 24/7 access to our course material

Even better, you can get your money back if you review our material and decide it isn’t a good fit for your team.

forklift certification classes onilne

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

If you have more general questions, check out our FAQs page. You can also look below for a few Vegas-specific questions and answers.

How Serious Are Vegas Forklift Accidents?

The severity of a forklift accident should never be underestimated. Not only can a forklift accident cause fatal injuries, but it can also cause serious destruction. For instance, a recent forklift incident resulted in at least 15 power poles getting knocked over, which also cut off power for hundreds of residents. When similar incidents happen, the whole community gets impacted!

Are You Ready to Obtain Your Las Vegas Forklift Certification?

Obtaining a forklift certification in Las Vegas for your next job doesn’t have to be a headache or hassle. You also don’t have to lose much productivity by sending your employees offsite to get educated.

The certification cost may seem high at first glance, but remember that our packages can help you certify your whole team on-site and help you renew their certifications when they expire.

We’re here to help with your Las Vegas forklift certification today. If you have any questions or are unsure about your current compliance situation, call us at (888) 278-8896 or contact us online. That way, we can help you take the first step toward providing forklift certification training to your employees.

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